Rules of Preparation of Papers Submitted in English

(the papers in English will be considered only for authors from outside the CIS) (see p. 11)

1. The matter of paper must correspond to the Journal profile; the manuscript should be written with maximum brevity and clearly. It is required to subdivide the paper into sections of the type of “Introduction”, “Experimental” or “Calculation”, “ Results and Discussion”, “Conclusions”.

2. The scope of the paper (including abstract and keywords, references, tables, figure captions, notes and foot-notes) must not exceed 12 pages (30000 characters); for brief communications — 5—6 pages (15000 signs) (Times type, or analogous 12 pt characters size; 1.5 spacing). The number of figures must be not more than 7 and 2-3, respectively.

All materials should be sent for the website https://zhps.ejournal.by or to the e-mail: jas@ifanbel.bas-net.by (editor_jas@mail.ru) in a form of pdf-file (full version (for Reviewer): figures, tables should be place in the text just after their first mentioning), doc-file (text, references, captions, tables – without figures), Figures should be sent as separate files with one of the following formats: jpg, wmf, png, tif, pcx, bmp (600 dpi and more).

3. Indicate the date of submission of the article (month, year) after the title, the authors' names, the title and address of the institution (mark the name of the author, to whom correspondence should be addressed, by an asterisk). This date will be retained in the case of revising the article by the authors if you keep to the established period of 2 months.

4. "Consent to publish" (see below) should be attached to the paper.

5. If the material of this article was reported at the conference, it must be stated in the footnote on the first page of the article. Such article is published the general basis (with the peer reviewing without special preference).

6. The Editorial Board reserves’ the right to make editorial changes which do not distort the main subject of the article.

7. After publishing the article, the pdf-file is sent to the address of the corresponding author (for all authors for personal use).

8. Setting up of formulas and graphic symbols.

Greek letters, Latin letters in mathematical symbols (e.g., sin, lg, ' ), symbols of chemical elements (e.g., Cl, Na, I), vectors and indexes (superscript, subscript), which are abbreviations of words, and numerals (Roman and Arabic), are printed in Regular Roman type. Latin letters — variables, symbols of physical quantities (including indexes) — are printed in Italic (sloping) type. Vectors (without arrows above) as well as words and numerals, which are to be marked off, are printed in Bold type.

9. Preparation of tables.

Every table must be typed in double spacing, have a title and headings of all columns (in singular number and nominative case). Tables (the total volume of all Tables is not more a 120 rows) and a list of figure captions should be appended at the end of paper (after References).

10. Presenting of references.

References should be given in the language of the original source. After the names of all authors the following data are given:

a) For journal articles, the journal title with accepted abbreviations, volume (in bold type), number (in case of necessity), first and final pages, year (in parentheses).

1.  N. N. Ivanov. Zh. Prikl. Spektr., 49, 359-367 (1988)  [N. N. Ivanov. J. Appl. Spectr., 49, 359-367 (1988)].

b) For monographs, the complete title of the monograph, the place of publication, publishing house, the year of publication (in parentheses), and pages of a reference (for an article in a book). In the text, references are denoted by ordinal numbers in brackets ([1], [3-5]) taking into account the disposition of tables and figures. It is allowed to give references on investigations, which are in public databases, and also give the acess path to a reference.

11. If the level of English language used in the article is inadequate in the opinion of the reviewer, Editorial Board of the Journal and/or Springer, the article may be returned to the author. In such a case the latter is recommended to take advice of editorial services, for example, Edanz (http://www.edanzediting.com).

12. Articles presented with violation of the above-listed Rules will not be consided.

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68-2 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220072, Belarus

Tel./Fax: (37517) 270-84-57

e-mail: jas@ifanbel.bas-net.by


Consent to Publish

The Author confirms:

· that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis);

· that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;

· that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any;

· that its publication has been approved (tacitly or explicitly) by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work is carried out.

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After submission of the agreement signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted by Springer.



Title in Russian     «Æóðíàë ïðèêëàäíîé ñïåêòðîñêîïèè»


Title in English    «Journal of Applied Spectroscopy»


Title of article:


Names of ALL contributing authors


Corresponding author’s signature:





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